Yarn, Yarn, and More Yarn!

Uh huh... A Palm T/X. This baby is sweet. I can't even articulate myself in it's presence.
Today I had a class at Knit Happens on short rows. Here is the dolly cape that was my FO
While I was at the store I treated myself to some of this
Lorna's Laces Helen's Lace in Georgetown. I've decided that this will be for my first foray into lace, using the pattern that comes inside. I admit I had sticker shock when I first saw it, but it's 1250 yards a skein (the shawl requires one skein)! And in further LL news, my first eBay win arrived on Tuesday
Yup, Lorna's Laces Lion and the Lamb in Gold Hill to make a Clapotis for me! I swear photos cannot do this yarn justice. It is the perfect colorway for me. I am soooooo excited to use this, but at the same time I feel yarn like this should be in a display. I keep on fondling it when I pass it (hey, don't judge, this stuff is super soft).
I really think I have a problem here, I must stop buying more yarn. We're running out of storage space!
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